Public Intervention (in my hall)
This semester, one of the rooms in my hall has been putting up weekly polls for the entire floor to fill out. The polls always start out as a binary choice (e.g. East Coast or West Coast), but people always end up adding more options. As we were working on Project 4, I realized this was a 'public intervention'-- the room was asking a question to the floor and people consistently responded, offering their opinions even when they fell outside of the original question.
One of my favorite polls (that I didn't get a picture of) was one that asked "East Coast or West Coast?" Those were the only options that received votes for a bit, but then people started adding other choices, and the poll became a pretty good representation of our floor and a specific kind of identity (not sure what this is called, but the identity that comes with where one lives). Some of the added responses I remember are "TEXAS" (which was crossed out then later rewritten in all-caps block letters), "straya, mate" (likely written by the guy from Australia on our floor), and "Bretagne" (probably written by our French GA). There were several other written in responses--probably the poll that had the most added-on answers.
I realized the polls were a public intervention pretty late into the semester, so I mostly have photos of final results, but I was able to capture how one poll developed over time. Some photos are below.
(this doesn't match the number of people on hour floor, so I think it'll probably change some more!)
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